Please note: We are currently accepting applications for LIVE UNITED grants.
Berks COVID-19 Response Fund Grants were launched in March of 2020 to address the immediate and ongoing impacts of the pandemic. These grant dollars have been fully invested in the community and are no longer available.
COVID-19 Education Response Grants were designed to help students, teachers and families facing a variety of challenges as the new school year launched during the pandemic. These grant dollars have been fully invested in the community and are no longer available.
EFSP grants are federally-funded under the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program to supplement emergency food and shelter programs in the county.
Focused Grants are multi-year grants addressing systemic issues and creating sustainable change in the areas of Workforce Development and Health.
Impact Grants support programs/collaborative efforts to expand programming and capacity to serve the community’s most vulnerable individuals and families.
LIVE UNITED Grants, one-time grants of up to $5,000, are provided to grass-roots or community-based organizations with a yearly budget below $250,000.
Rapid Response Grants are designed to provide immediate funding for health and human service nonprofit organizations experiencing unanticipated changes in financial circumstances jeopardizing a critical program’s ability to be effective and causing negative consequences to clients and the community. Alternatively, funding may address a significantly increased demand for services that exceeds the organization’s capacity to meet with current financial resources.
Summer Learning Grants are open to schools and organizations serving Berks County students. The grant provides up to $5,000 in support of summer learning programming.
Venture Grants provide one-time funding in support of new or expanded programs responding to the needs of underserved populations or geographic areas.