United Way of Berks County funds programs and services at our Agency Partners, affecting the lives of more than 190,000 Berks Countians each year. All of these funded programs and services fall within four Focus Areas: Education, Financial Stability, Health and Safety Net Services.
If you need assistance, you are welcome to contact the agency below that may best meet your need. If you are unsure of where to turn, call 211 or text your zip code to 898211 to reach an information and referral specialist 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
American Cancer Society
United Way Supported Services:
Funded programs designed to assist the patient, family and community at large. Cancer hotline 1-800-ACS-2345. Early detection, prevention education and patient services programs.
Berks Encore
- 40 North Ninth Street
Reading, PA 19601 - 610-374-3195
- BerksEncore.org
United Way Supported Services:
Meals on Wheels for homebound individuals who are disabled or over age 60 and not able to shop or prepare meals for themselves due to chronic disease or medical conditions.
Boyertown Area Multi-Service
- 200 West Spring Street
Boyertown, PA 19512 - 610-367-6957
- boyertownareamulti-service.org
United Way Supported Services:
Supportive services for older adults. Basic needs assistance to individuals and families in need.
Co-County Wellness Services
- 429 Walnut Street
Reading, PA 19601 - 610-375-6523
- CoCounty.org
United Way Supported Services:
Leadership and operational support for the community-wide initiative to prevent teen pregnancy, Berks Teens.
Easterseals Eastern Pennsylvania
- 90 George Street
Reading, PA 19605 - 610-289-0114
- easterseals.com/esep
United Way Supported Services:
Therapy programs, evaluations and other medical services for children with special needs to help them overcome obstacles to independence.
Friend, Inc. Community Services
- 658D Noble Street
Kutztown, PA 19530 - 610-683-7790
- friendinc.org
United Way Supported Services:
Information and referral to community resources for people in the northeastern portion of Berks County. Food pantry and emergency assistance with utilities and other financial needs.
Habitat for Humanity of Berks County, Inc.
- 201 Washington Street
Suite 329-330
Reading, PA 19601 - 610-373-3439
- habitatberks.org
United Way Supported Services:
Renovates existing homes and helps working families with moderate income achieve home ownership. Home buyers complete sweat equity hours and participate in financial literacy counseling.
Literacy Council of Reading-Berks
- 35 South Dwight Street
West Lawn, PA 19609 - 610-670-9960
- lcrb.org
United Way Supported Services:
Adult basic literacy and English as a Second Language education program.
Olivet Boys & Girls Club of Reading and Berks County
- 1161 Pershing Boulevard
Reading, PA 19611 - 610-373-1314
- olivetbgc.org
United Way Supported Services:
Comprehensive, outcome-driven, youth after-school and summer program focusing on education, good character and citizenship, and healthy lifestyles.
The Salvation Army: Service Extension Unit
- 701 South Fourth Street
Hamburg, PA 19526 - 610-562-8440
United Way Supported Services:
Crisis intervention, disaster services and emergency assistance to individuals and families in need in Northern Berks.
Threshold Rehabilitation Services, Inc.
- 1000 Lancaster Avenue
Reading, PA 19607 - 610-777-7691
- trsinc.org
United Way Supported Services:
Employment training, placement and follow-up services through Berks Personnel Network for people with physical challenges.
American Red Cross PA Rivers Chapter
- 701 Centre Avenue
Reading, PA 19601 - (610) 375-4759
- redcross.org/pa/reading
United Way Supported Services:
Disaster relief services providing immediate emergency needs. Transportation for local veterans to receive healthcare.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Berks County
- 303 Windsor Street
Reading, PA 19601 - 610-373-5544
- bigsinberks.org
United Way Supported Services:
One-to-one or group mentoring programs for at-risk youth to improve their lives.
CATHOLIC CHARITIES, Diocese of Allentown
- 234 Grace Street
Reading, PA 19611 - (610) 376-7144
- catholiccharityAD.org
United Way Supported Services:
Case management and counseling services for veterans and their families.
Communities in Schools of Eastern PA
- 739 North 12th Street
Allentown, PA 18102 - 484-834-8830
- ciseasternpa.org
United Way Supported Services:
Integrated student support and services to improve attendance, behavior and academic performance for students in the Reading School District.
Family Guidance Center
- 1235 Penn Avenue
Suite 205-206
Wyomissing, PA 19610 - 610-374-4963
- familyguidancecenter.com
United Way Supported Services:
Evaluation, diagnosis, mental health, and drug and alcohol counseling provided on a sliding fee scale. Outreach to rural communities such as Kutztown and Hamburg.
Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania
- 330 Manor Road
Miquon, PA 19444 - 2158-564-2030 x1036
- (215) 564-6953
- gsep.org
United Way Supported Services:
Outcomes-based programs for girls 5-17, in the City of Reading, to acquire and develop assets and skills for positive adolescence and future.
MidPenn Legal Services
- 35 N. 6th Street
Mezzanine Suite 101
Reading, PA 19601 - 610-376-8656
- midpenn.org
United Way Supported Services:
Legal representation for low-income clients to help them access basic needs.
Opportunity House
- 430 North Second Street
Reading, PA 19601 - 610-374-4696
- opphouse.org
United Way Supported Services:
Emergency shelter services for men, women, children, and families. Child care at Second Street Learning Center provides early care and education services for infants, preschoolers and school-age children.
Safe Berks
- 255 Chestnut Street
Reading , PA 19602 - 610-373-1206
- safeberks.org
United Way Supported Services:
Crisis intervention for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, including a 24-hour hotline in English and Spanish. Emergency temporary shelter for victims of domestic violence and their children. Individual and group counseling related to sexual violence for adults and children.
Scouting America, Hawk Mountain Council
- 5027 Pottsville Pike
Reading, PA 19605 - 610-926-3406
- hmc-bsa.org
United Way Supported Services:
Character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness for boys 6-18 and young men and women 14-20.
Tower Health At Home Berks
- 1170 Berkshire Boulevard
Wyomissing, PA 19610 - 610-378-0481
- towerhealthathome.org/
United Way Supported Services:
Skilled nursing, social services, and physical, speech, and occupational therapy at home for persons not covered by insurance, Medicare, or unable to pay the full cost.
Berks Coalition to End Homelessness, Inc
- 831 Walnut Street
Reading, PA 19601 - 610-373-7222
- bceh.org
United Way Supported Services:
Emergency assistance with utility and rent costs to prevent homelessness.
Birdsboro Community Memorial Center
- 201 East Main Street
Birdsboro, PA 19508 - 610-582-2471
- bcmcbirdsboro.com
United Way Supported Services:
Out of school education programs for the youth of Birdsboro and vicinity to assist students with achieving academic success and grade-level proficiency.
Centro Hispano Daniel Torres
- 501 Washington Street, Third Floor
Reading, PA 19601 - 610-376-3748
- centrohispano.org
United Way Supported Services:
Bilingual and bicultural information and referral services to help members of the Latino community gain self-sufficiency. Parental education and support to improve children’s school readiness through “Abriendo Puertas”.
Connections Work
- 19 North 6th Street
4th Floor
Reading, PA 19601 - (484) 260-3860
- connectionswork.org
United Way Supported Services:
Community-based outreach programs focused on reducing recidivism and promoting successful reentry of prisoners into the community.
Family Promise of Berks County
- 325 North 5th Street
Reading, PA 19601 - 610-373-3323
- FamilyPromiseOfBerks.org
United Way Supported Services:
The U-Turn program serves homeless teens and young adults up to age 22 with advocacy, case management, shelter, permanent housing and a Drop-In Center.
Greater Reading Mental Health Alliance
- 1234 Penn Avenue
Wyomissing, PA 19610 - 610-775-3000
- grmha.org
United Way Supported Services:
Advocacy to help individuals and families navigate the social service system and find mental health services. Information/referral services and support groups.
Jewish Family Service: A program of the Jewish Federation of Reading
- 1100 Berkshire Boulevard
Wyomissing, PA 19610 - 610-921-0624
- readingjewishcommunity.org
United Way Supported Services:
Services to help individuals and families with food, transportation, case management, and information and referral services.
New Journey Community Outreach, Inc.
- 138 South Sixth Street
Reading, PA 19602 - 610-375-2662
- njcoinc.org
United Way Supported Services:
NJCO operates the largest Soup Kitchen in downtown Reading and a weekly Food Pantry that focus on the immediate and long-term health implications of receiving a nutritious daily meal and supplemental groceries.
The Salvation Army: Reading Corps
- 301 South Fifth Street
Reading, PA 19602 - 610-373-5208 x207
- salvationarmyreading.org
United Way Supported Services:
Emergency assistance programs to help with utility costs, rent costs, prescriptions, food, and clothing. Supportive Housing helps homeless and disabled individuals find permanent housing. Educational programming for youth and adults.
Street Medicine, a program of The Reading Hospital
United Way Supported Services:
Healthcare and related services directly for the unsheltered homeless, those living in homeless shelters, and those at high risk of being homeless.
YMCA of Reading & Berks County
- 631 Washington Street
Reading, PA 19603 - 610- 378-4701
- YMCA-BerksCounty.org
United Way Supported Services:
Day and evening child care services. Parenting Pathways provides parents, parents-to-be, and caregivers the knowledge and skills needed to establish strong families and help their children reach their potential. Transitional housing programs for homeless men, women, and children.